We completed all chapters of our book. The discussion today was on service. Our chapter brought us to consider ways in which we can serve others as a group. The neat serendipity of divine appointments was given to us by trail angels who had previously painted "warning yellow" on roots and rocks that might cause us to stumble along the Seneca Creek Greeway Trail. As we hiked back, on this totally brr cold morning (28 F when we started), a group of volunteers was working hard to clear the creek of debris. All around us were people doing acts of service. How do you see this G2 group practicing acts of kindness and service to others?
Worshiping the Creator is easy to do when surrounded by such powerful beauty. The creek and its gurgling sounds sang Hosanna with us. The birds chimed in as we lifted others in prayer. When is it difficult for you to worship? What circumstances may drown the natural sounds of our grateful, soulful worship? Busyness? Sorrow? Self? What brings us back to our knees, hands extended in worshipful surrender?