Sunday, September 25, 2011


We had a great beginning to our season. As our discussion guide we will read "The Walk, Reflections on Life and Faith from the Appalachian Trail" by Randy Motz and Georgia Harris.  The C & O canal tow path at the Monocacy Aqueduct was lovely as usual. The rain, or the prediction of it, did not keep Ann, Catherine, Chris, Georgia, Randy, John and Edi from a beautiful day in communion with God. His great cathedral is always wide open for us to come out and fellowship. Mud, mosquitoes and pesky weeds at our feet reminded us to be thankful in ALL things. The river was swollen and lovely.  This coming week, take a moment to meditate and receive what God might want to impart to you. What is the correlation between walking on a trail and your faith walk? I leave you these words from the book we are about to explore together: "Natural beauty is the lifeblood of the spirit and is the food that nourishes and renews the soul. It allows you to see the world anew with childlike eyes, able to see the entire world at once, drawing you ever closer to the creator." Do you agree, disagree? Are you inspired by God's creation to get closer to him? Please comment.


ambarker said...

Maybe I figured it out (how to blog). Funny I work with computers all the time, but have never blogged. If this works, then I will actually start blogging on topic. Hope to see you all this Saturday.

Edi said...

Yeah Ann!! You did it!